Set up an Active Directory lab (part 3)
The last part of the series to create a scripted Active Directory lab in Azure using Azure Cloud Shell and Azure CLI.
Let's continue on with creating our Active Directory lab in Azure. Part 1 described:
- Creating the basics - resource group, storage account & VNet
- Creating VM#0 - Bastion Host
- Creating VM-A#1 - AD Domain Controller for the forest & domain 'corp.local'
- Creating VM-A#2 - AD Domain Controller for the domain 'contoso.internal', part of 'corp.local' forest
Part 2 described:
- Creating VM-A#3 - Member Server - IIS web server running AuthPage
- Creating VM-A#4 - Member Server - Azure AD Connect
- Creating VM-A#5 - Windows 10 client
This part - the finale - will cover old ground to create Domain B:
- Create VM-B#1 - Domain Controller 'wingtip.root'
- Create VM-B#2 - Member Server - IIS + Azure AD Connect
- Create VM-B#3 - Windows 10 client
Create VM-B#1 - App01 - Web Server
- VM-B-DC01
- Unmanaged OS & data disk
- Windows Server 2019
- Static IP address
- Create new AD forest 'wingtip.root'
Create NSG
$nsg5Name = "jr-trustlab-nsg-b-ad"
az network nsg create -n $nsg5Name -g $rgName
az network vnet subnet update -g $rgName -n $subnet4Name --vnet-name $vnetName --network-security-group $nsg5Name
az network nsg rule create --nsg-name $nsg5Name -g $rgName -n "Allow_RDP" --priority 100 --access "allow" --source-address-prefixes $subnet99Range --destination-address-prefixes $subnet4Range --destination-port-ranges "3389" --protocol "TCP" --description "Allow RDP from Bastion"
az network nsg rule create --nsg-name $nsg5Name -g $rgName -n "Allow_AD_TCP" --priority 110 --access "allow" --source-address-prefixes $subnet4Range $subnet5Range $subnet6Range --destination-address-prefixes $subnet4Range --destination-port-ranges 135 389 636 53 88 445 49152-65535 --protocol "TCP" --description "Allow AD traffic TCP"
az network nsg rule create --nsg-name $nsg5Name -g $rgName -n "Allow_AD_UDP" --priority 111 --access "allow" --source-address-prefixes $subnet4Range $subnet5Range $subnet6Range --destination-address-prefixes $subnet4Range --destination-port-ranges 53 88 389 --protocol "UDP" --description "Allow AD traffic UDP"
az network nsg rule create --nsg-name $nsg5Name -g $rgName -n "Allow_A_AD_TCP" --priority 120 --access "allow" --source-address-prefixes $vm2IPAddress $vm4IPAddress --destination-address-prefixes $subnet4Range --destination-port-ranges 135 389 636 53 88 445 49152-65535 --protocol "TCP" --description "Allow AD traffic TCP"
az network nsg rule create --nsg-name $nsg5Name -g $rgName -n "Allow_A_AD_UDP" --priority 121 --access "allow" --source-address-prefixes $vm2IPAddress $vm4IPAddress --destination-address-prefixes $subnet4Range --destination-port-ranges 53 88 389 --protocol "UDP" --description "Allow AD traffic UDP"
az network nsg rule create --nsg-name $nsg5Name -g $rgName -n "Deny_Inbound" --priority 4000 --access "deny" --source-address-prefixes "*" --destination-address-prefixes $subnet4Range --destination-port-ranges "*" --protocol "*" --description "Deny inbound traffic"
$logWsName = "jr-trustlab-logs"
$flow5LogName = "jr-trustlab-flow-b-ad"
az network watcher flow-log create -n $flow5LogName -g $rgName --enabled true --nsg $nsg5Name --storage-account $storageName --location $region --format JSON --log-version 2 --retention 7 --traffic-analytics --workspace $logWsName
Create VM
$vmB1Image = "Win2019Datacenter"
$vmB1User = "lcladmin"
$vmB1Pass = $vmPass
$vmB1Size = "Standard_B2ms"
$vmB1DiskGuid = [guid]::NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-","").Substring(0,10)
az vm create -n $vmB1Name -g $rgName --image $vmB1Image --admin-username $vmB1User --admin-password $vmB1Pass --computer-name $vmB1Name --size $vmB1Size --vnet-name $vnetName --subnet $subnet4Name --private-ip-address $vmB1IPAddress --storage-account $storageName --use-unmanaged-disk --os-disk-name "$($vmB1Name)-OSdisk-$($vmB1DiskGuid)" --nsg '""' --public-ip-address '""'
# attach data disk
$diskB1Guid = [guid]::NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-","").Substring(0,10)
$diskB1Name = "$($vmB1Name)-DataDisk-$($diskB1Guid)"
$diskB1Size = "64"
$diskB1Cache = "None"
az vm unmanaged-disk attach -g $rgName --vm-name $vmB1Name --new --name $diskB1Name --size-gb $diskB1Size --caching $diskB1Cache
Install ADDS
- Set static IP address
- Install Active Directory Domain Services
- Install forest 'wingtip.root'
$dcBDomainDN = "DC=wingtip,DC=root"
$scriptBDC01_1 = @"
Set-TimeZone -id 'E. Australia Standard Time'
`$disks = Get-Disk | Where partitionstyle -eq 'raw'
If (`$disks) {
`$disks | Initialize-Disk -PartitionStyle MBR -PassThru | New-Partition -UseMaximumSize -DriveLetter ""G"" | Format-Volume -FileSystem NTFS -NewFileSystemLabel ""Data"" -Confirm:`$false -Force
`$domain = ""$dcBDomain""
`$domainnetbios = ""$dcBDomainNetbios""
`$IP = ""$vmB1IPAddress""
`$MaskBits = 24
`$Gateway = ""$($vmB1IPAddress -split "\d{1,3}$" -join "1")""
`$DNS = ""$vmB1IPAddress""
`$IPType = ""IPv4""
`$adapter = Get-NetAdapter | ? {`$_.Status -eq ""up""}
`$interface = `$adapter | Get-NetIPInterface -AddressFamily `$IPType
If (`$interface.Dhcp -eq ""Enabled"") {
Get-NetAdapterBinding -ComponentID ms_tcpip6 | Disable-NetAdapterBinding
If ((`$adapter | Get-NetIPConfiguration).IPv4Address.IPAddress) {
`$adapter | Remove-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily `$IPType -Confirm:`$false
If ((`$adapter | Get-NetIPConfiguration).Ipv4DefaultGateway) {
`$adapter | Remove-NetRoute -AddressFamily `$IPType -Confirm:`$false
`$adapter | New-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily `$IPType -IPAddress `$IP -PrefixLength `$MaskBits -DefaultGateway `$Gateway
`$adapter | Set-DnsClientServerAddress -ServerAddresses `$DNS
Install-WindowsFeature AD-Domain-Services, rsat-adds -IncludeAllSubFeature
Install-ADDSForest -DomainName `$domain -SafeModeAdministratorPassword (convertto-securestring '$vmB1Pass' -asplaintext -force) -DomainMode Win2012 -DomainNetbiosName `$domainnetbios -ForestMode Win2012 -DatabasePath """G:\NTDS""" -SysvolPath """G:\SYSVOL""" -LogPath """G:\Logs""" -Force"
az vm run-command invoke --command-id RunPowerShellScript --name $vmB1Name -g $rgName --scripts $scriptBDC01_1
az vm restart -g $rgName -n $vmB1Name
- Create OUs & test users
$scriptBDC01_2 = @"
Import-Module ActiveDirectory -ErrorAction Stop
throw ""Module ActiveDirectory not installed""
if ((Get-ADForest).UPNsuffixes -notcontains ""$dcBUPNSuffix""){
Get-ADForest | Set-ADForest -UPNSuffixes @{add=""$dcBUPNSuffix""}
function New-ADOU {
param([parameter(Mandatory=`$true)] [array]`$ouList)
ForEach(`$OU in `$ouList){
#Write-Host -Foregroundcolor Yellow `$OU.Name `$OU.Path
New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name ""`$(`$OU.Name)"" -Path ""`$(`$OU.Path)""
#Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green ""OU `$OU.Name created""
Write-Host `$error[0].Exception.Message
`$ouCSV = ""Name;Path
`$ouList = `$ouCSV | ConvertFrom-CSV -Delimiter "";""
New-ADOU `$ouList
New-ADGroup -Name ""Grp_AllStaff"" -SamAccountName Grp_AllStaff -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Global -DisplayName ""All Staff"" -Path ""OU=M_GROUPS,$dcBDomainDN""
function Create-TestUsers {
[parameter(Mandatory=`$true)] [array]`$UserList,
[parameter(Mandatory=`$true)] [string]`$UserPass,
[parameter(Mandatory=`$true)] [string]`$DomainSuffix,
[parameter(Mandatory=`$true)] [string]`$OUPath
`$departments = @(""IT"",""Finance"",""Logistics"",""Sourcing"",""Human Resources"")
ForEach(`$user in `$userList){
`$firstname = (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase(`$user.Firstname)
`$lastname = (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase(`$user.Lastname)
`$i = get-random -Minimum 0 -Maximum `$departments.count
`$department = `$departments[`$i]
`$username = `$firstname.Substring(0,2).tolower() + `$lastname.Substring(0,4).tolower()
`$exit = 0
`$count = 1
do {
try {
`$userexists = Get-AdUser -Identity `$username
`$username = `$firstname.Substring(0,2).tolower() + `$lastname.Substring(0,4).tolower() + `$count++
} catch {
`$exit = 1
} while (`$exit -eq 0)
`$displayname = `$firstname + "" "" + `$lastname
`$upn = `$username + ""@"" + `$DomainSuffix
`$email = `$firstname + ""."" + `$lastname + ""@"" + `$DomainSuffix
Write-Host ""Creating user `$username in `$OUPath""
New-ADUser -Name `$displayName -DisplayName `$displayName -SamAccountName `$username -UserPrincipalName `$upn -EmailAddress `$email -GivenName `$firstname -Surname `$lastname -description ""Test User"" -Path `$OUPath -Enabled `$true -ChangePasswordAtLogon `$false -Department `$Department -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString `$userPass -AsPlainText -force)
`$userOU = ""OU=Staff,OU=M_USERS,$dcBDomainDN""
`$userPass = '$userPass'
`$usersCSV = ""Firstname;Lastname
`$userList = `$usersCSV | ConvertFrom-CSV -Delimiter "";""
`$users = Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase `$userOU | select -expand samAccountName
If ((`$users) -eq `$null) {
Create-TestUsers `$userList `$userPass ""$dcBUPNSuffix"" `$userOU
`$users = Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase `$userOU | select -expand samAccountName
`$group = ""Grp_AllStaff""
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity `$group -Members `$users
az vm run-command invoke --command-id RunPowerShellScript --name $vmB1Name -g $rgName --scripts $scriptBDC01_2
- Create DNS conditional forwarder for Domain A (for our domain trust)
- Create service account for Azure AD Connect
$scriptBDC01_3 = @"
Add-DnsServerConditionalForwarderZone -Name ""$dcA2Domain"" -ReplicationScope ""Forest"" -MasterServers $vm2IPaddress
az vm run-command invoke --command-id RunPowerShellScript --name $vmB1Name -g $rgName --scripts $scriptBDC01_3
$scriptBDC01_4 = @"
`$displayName = ""svc_azuresync""
`$username = ""svc_azuresync""
`$upn = ""svc_azuresync@$dcB1Domain""
`$OUPath = ""OU=ServiceAccounts,OU=M_USERS,$dcBDomainDN""
`$userPass = '$vmPass'
New-ADUser -Name `$displayName -DisplayName `$displayName -SamAccountName `$username -UserPrincipalName `$upn -description ""AAD Connect"" -Path `$OUPath -Enabled `$true -ChangePasswordAtLogon `$false -Department `$Department -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString `$userPass -AsPlainText -force)
`$displayName = ""svc_a-azuresync""
`$username = ""svc_a-azuresync""
`$upn = ""svc_a-azuresync@$dcB1Domain""
`$OUPath = ""OU=ServiceAccounts,OU=M_USERS,$dcBDomainDN""
`$userPass = '$vmPass'
New-ADUser -Name `$displayName -DisplayName `$displayName -SamAccountName `$username -UserPrincipalName `$upn -description ""AAD Connect"" -Path `$OUPath -Enabled `$true -ChangePasswordAtLogon `$false -Department `$Department -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString `$userPass -AsPlainText -force)
az vm run-command invoke --command-id RunPowerShellScript --name $vmB1Name -g $rgName --scripts $scriptBDC01_4
Create VM-B#2 - IIS & Azure AD Connect
- VM-B-APP01
- Unmanaged OS disk
- Windows Server 2019
- Static IP address
- Download & install Auth Page & Azure AD Connect install
- 💔 Cannot perform an unattended install of AADC
Create NSG
$nsg6Name = "jr-trustlab-nsg-b-app"
az network nsg create -n $nsg6Name -g $rgName
az network vnet subnet update -g $rgName -n $subnet5Name --vnet-name $vnetName --network-security-group $nsg6Name
az network nsg rule create --nsg-name $nsg6Name -g $rgName -n "Allow_RDP" --priority 100 --access "allow" --source-address-prefixes $subnet99Range --destination-address-prefixes $subnet5Range --destination-port-ranges "3389" --protocol "TCP" --description "Allow RDP from Bastion"
az network nsg rule create --nsg-name $nsg6Name -g $rgName -n "Allow_HTTP" --priority 110 --access "allow" --source-address-prefixes $subnet4Range $subnet5Range --destination-address-prefixes $subnet5Range --destination-port-ranges 80 443 --protocol "TCP" --description "Allow HTTP traffic"
az network nsg rule create --nsg-name $nsg6Name -g $rgName -n "Allow_A_HTTP" --priority 120 --access "allow" --source-address-prefixes $subnet3Range --destination-address-prefixes $subnet5Range --destination-port-ranges 80 443 --protocol "TCP" --description "Allow HTTP traffic"
az network nsg rule create --nsg-name $nsg6Name -g $rgName -n "Deny_Inbound" --priority 4000 --access "deny" --source-address-prefixes "*" --destination-address-prefixes $subnet5Range --destination-port-ranges "*" --protocol "*" --description "Deny inbound traffic"
$logWsName = "jr-trustlab-logs"
$flow6LogName = "jr-trustlab-flow-b-app"
az network watcher flow-log create -n $flow6LogName -g $rgName --enabled true --nsg $nsg6Name --storage-account $storageName --location $region --format JSON --log-version 2 --retention 7 --traffic-analytics --workspace $logWsName
Create VM
$vmB2Image = "Win2019Datacenter"
$vmB2User = "lcladmin"
$vmB2Pass = $vmPass
$vmB2Size = "Standard_B2ms"
$vmB2DiskGuid = [guid]::NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-","").Substring(0,10)
az vm create -n $vmB2Name -g $rgName --image $vmB2Image --admin-username $vmB2User --admin-password $vmB2Pass --computer-name $vmB2Name --size $vmB2Size --vnet-name $vnetName --subnet $subnet5Name --private-ip-address $vmB2IPAddress --storage-account $storageName --use-unmanaged-disk --os-disk-name "$($vmB2Name)-OSdisk-$($vmB2DiskGuid)" --nsg '""' --public-ip-address '""'
Install IIS & Azure AD Connect
- Set static IP address
- Join domain 'wingtip.root'
$scriptBAPP01_1 = @"
Set-TimeZone -id 'E. Australia Standard Time'
`$IP = ""$vmB2IPAddress""
`$MaskBits = 24
`$Gateway = ""$($vmB2IPAddress -split "\d{1,3}$" -join "1")""
`$DNS = ""$vmB1IPAddress""
`$IPType = ""IPv4""
`$adapter = Get-NetAdapter | ? {`$_.Status -eq ""up""}
`$interface = `$adapter | Get-NetIPInterface -AddressFamily `$IPType
If (`$interface.Dhcp -eq ""Enabled"") {
Get-NetAdapterBinding -ComponentID ms_tcpip6 | Disable-NetAdapterBinding
If ((`$adapter | Get-NetIPConfiguration).IPv4Address.IPAddress) {
`$adapter | Remove-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily `$IPType -Confirm:`$false
If ((`$adapter | Get-NetIPConfiguration).Ipv4DefaultGateway) {
`$adapter | Remove-NetRoute -AddressFamily `$IPType -Confirm:`$false
`$adapter | New-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily `$IPType -IPAddress `$IP -PrefixLength `$MaskBits -DefaultGateway `$Gateway
`$adapter | Set-DnsClientServerAddress -ServerAddresses `$DNS
Start-Sleep -Seconds 15 # Wait for DNS changes
Add-Computer -DomainName ""$dcBDomain"" -Credential (New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential(""$vmB2Domain\$vmB1User"",(ConvertTo-SecureString '$vmB1Pass' -AsPlainText -Force))) -OUPath ""OU=M_SERVERS,$dcBDomainDN"" -Restart
az vm run-command invoke --command-id RunPowerShellScript --name $vmB2Name -g $rgName --scripts $scriptBAPP01_1
- Install IIS
- Install AuthPage
$scriptBAPP01_2 = @"
`$installPath = ""c:\install""
If ((Test-Path ""c:\inetpub\wwwroot"") -eq `$false) {
`$IISFeatures = ""Web-WebServer"",""Web-Common-Http"",""Web-Default-Doc"",""Web-Http-Errors"",""Web-Http-Redirect"",""Web-Health"",""Web-Http-Logging"",""Web-Security"",""Web-Filtering"",""Web-Basic-Auth"",""Web-Client-Auth"",""Web-IP-Security"",""Web-Windows-Auth"",""Web-Net-Ext"",""Web-Net-Ext45"",""Web-Asp-Net"",""Web-Asp-Net45"",""Web-ISAPI-Ext"",""Web-ISAPI-Filter"",""Web-Mgmt-Tools"",""Web-Mgmt-Console""
Install-WindowsFeature -Name `$IISFeatures -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
If ((Test-Path ""`$installPath\authpage\authpage\default.aspx"") -eq `$false) {
mkdir `$installPath -Force
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri """" -OutFile ""`$installPath\""
Expand-Archive -LiteralPath ""`$installPath\"" -DestinationPath ""`$installPath\authpage""
If (Test-Path ""`$installPath\authpage\authpage\default.aspx"") {
If (Test-Path ""c:\inetpub\wwwroot\iisstart.htm"") {
Get-ChildItem -Path ""`$installPath\authpage\authpage"" -Recurse | Copy-Item -Destination ""c:\inetpub\wwwroot""
Remove-Item ""c:\inetpub\wwwroot\iisstart.htm"" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
} Else {
Write-Output ""Extract of AuthPage failed""
If ((Test-Path ""c:\install\installer.flag"") -eq `$false) {
Set-WebConfigurationProperty -Filter ""/system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication"" -Name Enabled -Value False -PSPath IIS:\ -location ""Default Web Site""
Set-WebConfigurationProperty -Filter ""/system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication"" -Name Enabled -Value True -PSPath IIS:\ -location ""Default Web Site""
& `$ENV:windir\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe set AppPool DefaultAppPool -""processModel.identityType:NetworkService""
`$Acl = (Get-Item ""c:\inetpub\wwwroot"").GetAccessControl(""Access"")
`$Ar = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule(""NETWORK SERVICE"", ""ReadAndExecute"", ""ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit"", ""None"", ""Allow"")
Set-Acl ""c:\inetpub\wwwroot"" `$Acl
""Install complete"" | Out-File ""c:\install\installer.flag""
} Else { Write-Output ""Install flag found - skipping setup tasks"" }
az vm run-command invoke --command-id RunPowerShellScript --name $vmB2Name -g $rgName --scripts $scriptBAPP01_2
- Install RSAT
- Download AAD Connect installer
- Set permissions for AAD Connect service account
- AAD Connect needs to be manually installed and configured
$scriptBAPP01_3 = @"
Install-WindowsFeature rsat-adds -IncludeAllSubFeature
Import-Module ActiveDirectory -ErrorAction Stop
throw ""Module ActiveDirectory not installed""
`$installPath = ""c:\install""
If ((Test-Path `$installPath) -eq `$false) {mkdir `$installPath -Force}
If ((Test-Path ""`$installPath\AzureADConnect.msi"") -eq `$false) {
try {
`$URi = """"
`$downloadPage = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri `$URi -usebasicparsing
`$fileUri = (`$downloadPage.RawContent.Split('""') -like ""https://*AzureADConnect.msi"")[0]
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri `$fileUri -OutFile ""`$installPath\AzureADConnect.msi""
Write-Output (""File {0} size: {1}"" -f (gci ""`$installPath\AzureADConnect.msi"").Name, ((gci ""`$installPath\AzureADConnect.msi"").Length / 1MB).ToString("".""))
} catch {
Write-Host `$(`$_.Exception.Message)
throw 'ERROR: Could not download file'
If ((Test-Path ""`$env:ProgramFiles\Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect\AzureADConnect.exe"") -eq `$false) {
& ""`$ENV:windir\system32\msiexec.exe"" /i ""`$installPath\AzureADConnect.msi"" /qb-
try {
`$URi = """"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri `$URi -OutFile ""`$installPath\""
If ((Test-Path ""`$installPath\AADCP\AADConnectPermissions.ps1"") -eq `$false) { Expand-Archive -Path ""`$installPath\"" -DestinationPath ""`$installPath\AADCP"" }
& ""`$installPath\AADCP\AADConnectPermissions.ps1"" -User svc_azuresync -PasswordHashSync
& ""`$installPath\AADCP\AADConnectPermissions.ps1"" -User svc_azuresync -msDsConsistencyGuid -ExchangeHybridWriteBackOUs ""OU=Staff,OU=M_USERS,$dcBDomainDN""
& ""`$installPath\AADCP\AADConnectPermissions.ps1"" -User svc_azuresync -PasswordWriteBack -ExchangeHybridWriteBackOUs ""OU=Staff,OU=M_USERS,$dcBDomainDN""
& ""`$installPath\AADCP\AADConnectPermissions.ps1"" -User svc_a-azuresync -msDsConsistencyGuid -ExchangeHybridWriteBackOUs ""OU=Staff,OU=M_USERS,$dcBDomainDN""
} catch {
Write-Host `$(`$_.Exception.Message)
throw 'ERROR: Could not download file'
az vm run-command invoke --command-id RunPowerShellScript --name $vmB2Name -g $rgName --scripts $scriptBAPP01_3
Create VM-B#3 - Windows 10 Client
- Unmanaged OS disk
- Windows 10 Enterprise
Create NSG
$nsg7Name = "jr-trustlab-nsg-b-client"
az network nsg create -n $nsg7Name -g $rgName
az network vnet subnet update -g $rgName -n $subnet6Name --vnet-name $vnetName --network-security-group $nsg7Name
az network nsg rule create --nsg-name $nsg7Name -g $rgName -n "Allow_RDP" --priority 100 --access "allow" --source-address-prefixes $subnet99Range --destination-address-prefixes $subnet6Range --destination-port-ranges "3389" --protocol "TCP" --description "Allow RDP from Bastion"
az network nsg rule create --nsg-name $nsg7Name -g $rgName -n "Deny_Inbound" --priority 4000 --access "deny" --source-address-prefixes "*" --destination-address-prefixes $subnet6Range --destination-port-ranges "*" --protocol "*" --description "Deny inbound traffic"
$logWsName = "jr-trustlab-logs"
$flow7LogName = "jr-trustlab-flow-b-app"
az network watcher flow-log create -n $flow7LogName -g $rgName --enabled true --nsg $nsg7Name --storage-account $storageName --location $region --format JSON --log-version 2 --retention 7 --traffic-analytics --workspace $logWsName
Create VM
$vmB3Image = "MicrosoftWindowsDesktop:Windows-10:20h2-ent:19042.867.2103051748"
$vmB3User = "lcladmin"
$vmB3Pass = $vmPass
$vmB3Size = "Standard_B2ms"
$vmB3DiskGuid = [guid]::NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-","").Substring(0,10)
az vm create -n $vmB3Name -g $rgName --image $vmB3Image --admin-username $vmB3User --admin-password $vmB3Pass --computer-name $vmB3Name --size $vmB3Size --vnet-name $vnetName --subnet $subnet6Name --private-ip-address $vmB3IPAddress --storage-account $storageName --use-unmanaged-disk --os-disk-name "$($vmB3Name)-OSdisk-$($vmB3DiskGuid)" --nsg '""' --public-ip-address '""'
- Set static IP and DNS server IP to VM-B-DC01
- Join domain
- Add "Grp_AllStaff" AD group to local "Remote Desktop Users" group to allow test user accounts access to RDP
$scriptBCLIENT01_1 = @"
Set-TimeZone -id 'E. Australia Standard Time'
`$IP = ""$vmB3IPAddress""
`$MaskBits = 24
`$Gateway = ""$($vmB3IPAddress -split "\d{1,3}$" -join "1")""
`$DNS = ""$vmB1IPAddress""
`$IPType = ""IPv4""
`$adapter = Get-NetAdapter | ? {`$_.Status -eq ""up""}
`$interface = `$adapter | Get-NetIPInterface -AddressFamily `$IPType
If (`$interface.Dhcp -eq ""Enabled"") {
Get-NetAdapterBinding -ComponentID ms_tcpip6 | Disable-NetAdapterBinding
If ((`$adapter | Get-NetIPConfiguration).IPv4Address.IPAddress) {
`$adapter | Remove-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily `$IPType -Confirm:`$false
If ((`$adapter | Get-NetIPConfiguration).Ipv4DefaultGateway) {
`$adapter | Remove-NetRoute -AddressFamily `$IPType -Confirm:`$false
`$adapter | New-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily `$IPType -IPAddress `$IP -PrefixLength `$MaskBits -DefaultGateway `$Gateway
`$adapter | Set-DnsClientServerAddress -ServerAddresses `$DNS
Start-Sleep -Seconds 15 # Wait for DNS changes
Add-Computer -DomainName ""$dcBDomain"" -Credential (New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential(""$dcBDomain\$vmB1User"",(ConvertTo-SecureString '$vmB1Pass' -AsPlainText -Force))) -OUPath ""OU=M_WORKSTATIONS,$dcBDomainDN"" -Restart
az vm run-command invoke --command-id RunPowerShellScript --name $vmB3Name -g $rgName --scripts $scriptBCLIENT01_1
$scriptBCLIENT01_2 = @"
Add-LocalGroupMember -Group ""Remote Desktop Users"" -Member ""$dcBDomain\Grp_AllStaff""
az vm run-command invoke --command-id RunPowerShellScript --name $vmB3Name -g $rgName --scripts $scriptBCLIENT01_2
Wrap up
That brings us to the end of the build. Next comes testing! RDP into the jump box using the public DNS name which you can get from the Portal, or from Azure CLI [az network public-ip].
az network public-ip list -g $rgName --query "[].dnsSettings" --output table

From the jump box you can RDP out to each server or client using its IP address, as summarised in Part 1:
Hostname | Subnet | IP Address | Role |
VM-A-DC01 | domainA-ad (10.1.10/24) | | Domain Controller 1 - Forest root |
VM-A-DC02 | domainA-ad (10.1.10/24) | | Domain Controller 2 - Domain 2 |
VM-A-APP01 | domainA-app (10.1.20/24) | | Web Server |
VM-A-APP02 | domainA-app (10.1.20/24) | | Azure AD Connect |
VM-A-CLIENT01 | domainA-client (10.1.30/24) | | Windows 10 Client |
VM-B-DC01 | domainB-ad (10.1.110/24) | | Domain Controller |
VM-B-APP01 | domainB-app (10.1.120/24) | | Web Server & AAD Connect |
VM-B-CLIENT01 | domainB-client (10.1.130/24) | | Windows 10 Client |
VM-BAS01 | public (10.1.200/24) | DHCP | Bastion Host / Jump Box |
I'll be moving on to configuring the two-way trust between 'wingtip.root' and 'contoso.internal' for my testing. Reach out to me on Twitter @jraaschou if you want me to do a write up about AD trusts.
Below is script to create the trust programmatically.
$scriptADC02_TRUST_1 = @"
# Source:
`$remoteDomain = ""$dcBDomain""
`$remoteAdmin = ""$vmB1User""
`$remoteAdminPassword = '$vmPass'
`$remoteContext = New-Object -TypeName ""System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.DirectoryContext"" -ArgumentList @( ""Domain"",`$remoteDomain, `$remoteAdmin, `$remoteAdminPassword)
try {
`$remoteDomain =[System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::getDomain(`$remoteContext)
#Write-Host ""GetRemoteDomain: Succeeded for domain `$(`$remoteDomain)""
} catch {
Write-Warning ""GetRemoteDomain: Failed:`n`tError: `$(`$(`$_.Exception).Message)""
Write-Host ""Connected to Remote domain: `$(`$remoteDomain.Name)""
Write-Host ""Connected to Local domain: `$(`$localDomain.Name)""
try {
# `$localDomain.CreateTrustRelationship(`$remoteDomain,""Inbound"") # One way trust test
`$localDomain.CreateTrustRelationship(`$remoteDomain,""Bidirectional"") # Two way trust test
Write-Host ""CreateTrustRelationship: Succeeded for domain `$(`$remoteDomain)""
} catch {
Write-Warning ""CreateTrustRelationship: Failed for domain `$(`$remoteDomain)`n`tError: `$(`$(`$_.Exception).Message)""
az vm run-command invoke --command-id RunPowerShellScript --name $vm2Name -g $rgName --scripts $scriptADC02_TRUST_1