Set up an Active Directory lab (part 2)

The previous post introduced the use case for an Azure-hosted Active Directory lab. This part of the series will include building the member servers and client.

Set up an Active Directory lab (part 2)

The previous post introduced the use case for an Azure-hosted Active Directory lab. Part 1 talked about Azure CLI and Cloud Shell and covered:

  • Creating the basics - resource group, storage account & VNet
  • Creating VM#0 - Bastion Host
  • Creating VM#1 - AD Domain Controller for the forest & domain 'corp.local'
  • Creating VM#2 - AD Domain Controller for the domain 'contoso.internal', part of 'corp.local' forest

This post will cover:

  • Creating VM#3 - Member Server - IIS web server running AuthPage
  • Creating VM#4 - Member Server - Azure AD Connect
  • Creating VM#5 - Windows 10 Enterprise client


If you're picking up from Part 1 on a different day, remember to set the same baseline re-usable variables before continuing on below.

Create VM#3 - App01 - Web Server

  • VM-A-APP01
  • Unmanaged OS disk
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Static IP address
  • Install IIS and deploy AuthPage

Create NSG

$nsg3Name = "jr-trustlab-nsg-a-app"

az network nsg create -n $nsg3Name -g $rgName
az network vnet subnet update -g $rgName -n $subnet2Name --vnet-name $vnetName --network-security-group $nsg3Name
az network nsg rule create --nsg-name $nsg3Name -g $rgName -n "Allow_RDP" --priority 100 --access "allow" --source-address-prefixes $subnet99Range --destination-address-prefixes $subnet2Range --destination-port-ranges "3389" --protocol "TCP" --description "Allow RDP from Bastion"
az network nsg rule create --nsg-name $nsg3Name -g $rgName -n "Allow_HTTP" --priority 110 --access "allow" --source-address-prefixes $subnet1Range $subnet2Range $subnet3Range --destination-address-prefixes $subnet2Range --destination-port-ranges 80 443 --protocol "TCP" --description "Allow HTTP traffic"
az network nsg rule create --nsg-name $nsg3Name -g $rgName -n "Deny_Inbound" --priority 4000 --access "deny" --source-address-prefixes "*" --destination-address-prefixes $subnet2Range --destination-port-ranges "*" --protocol "*" --description "Deny inbound traffic"

$logWsName = "jr-trustlab-logs"
$flow2LogName = "jr-trustlab-flow-a-app"
az network watcher flow-log create -n $flow2LogName -g $rgName --enabled true --nsg $nsg3Name --storage-account $storageName --location $region --format JSON --log-version 2 --retention 7 --traffic-analytics --workspace $logWsName

Create VM

$vm3Image = "Win2019Datacenter"
$vm3User = "lcladmin"
$vm3Pass = $vmPass
$vm3Size = "Standard_B2ms"
$vm3DiskGuid = [guid]::NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-","").Substring(0,10)

az vm create -n $vm3Name -g $rgName --image $vm3Image --admin-username $vm3User --admin-password $vm3Pass --computer-name $vm3Name --size $vm3Size --vnet-name $vnetName --subnet $subnet2Name --private-ip-address $vm3IPAddress --storage-account $storageName --use-unmanaged-disk --os-disk-name "$($vm3Name)-OSdisk-$($vm3DiskGuid)" --nsg '""' --public-ip-address '""'

Install IIS

  • Set static IP address
  • Join domain 'contoso.internal'
$scriptAAPP01_1 = @"
Set-TimeZone -id 'E. Australia Standard Time'
`$IP = ""$vm3IPAddress""
`$MaskBits = 24
`$Gateway = ""$($vm3IPAddress -split "\d{1,3}$" -join "1")""
`$DNS = ""$vm2IPAddress""
`$IPType = ""IPv4""
`$adapter = Get-NetAdapter | ? {`$_.Status -eq ""up""}
`$interface = `$adapter | Get-NetIPInterface -AddressFamily `$IPType
If (`$interface.Dhcp -eq ""Enabled"") {
  Get-NetAdapterBinding -ComponentID ms_tcpip6 | Disable-NetAdapterBinding
  If ((`$adapter | Get-NetIPConfiguration).IPv4Address.IPAddress) {
    `$adapter | Remove-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily `$IPType -Confirm:`$false
  If ((`$adapter | Get-NetIPConfiguration).Ipv4DefaultGateway) {
    `$adapter | Remove-NetRoute -AddressFamily `$IPType -Confirm:`$false
  `$adapter | New-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily `$IPType -IPAddress `$IP -PrefixLength `$MaskBits -DefaultGateway `$Gateway
  `$adapter | Set-DnsClientServerAddress -ServerAddresses `$DNS
Start-Sleep -Seconds 15 # Wait for DNS changes

Add-Computer -DomainName ""$dcA2Domain"" -Credential (New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential(""$dcA2Domain\$vm3User"",(ConvertTo-SecureString '$vm3Pass' -AsPlainText -Force))) -OUPath ""OU=S_SERVERS,$dcA2DomainDN"" -Restart


az vm run-command invoke --command-id RunPowerShellScript --name $vm3Name -g $rgName --scripts $scriptAAPP01_1
  • Install IIS
  • Deploy AuthPage
  • Configure IIS for Windows Authentication
$scriptAAPP01_2 = @"
`$installPath = ""c:\install""
If ((Test-Path ""c:\inetpub\wwwroot"") -eq `$false) {
  `$IISFeatures = ""Web-WebServer"",""Web-Common-Http"",""Web-Default-Doc"",""Web-Http-Errors"",""Web-Http-Redirect"",""Web-Health"",""Web-Http-Logging"",""Web-Security"",""Web-Filtering"",""Web-Basic-Auth"",""Web-Client-Auth"",""Web-IP-Security"",""Web-Windows-Auth"",""Web-Net-Ext"",""Web-Net-Ext45"",""Web-Asp-Net"",""Web-Asp-Net45"",""Web-ISAPI-Ext"",""Web-ISAPI-Filter"",""Web-Mgmt-Tools"",""Web-Mgmt-Console""
  Install-WindowsFeature -Name `$IISFeatures -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

If ((Test-Path ""`$installPath\authpage\authpage\default.aspx"") -eq `$false) {
  mkdir `$installPath -Force
  Invoke-WebRequest -Uri """" -OutFile ""`$installPath\""
  Expand-Archive -LiteralPath ""`$installPath\"" -DestinationPath ""`$installPath\authpage""

If (Test-Path ""`$installPath\authpage\authpage\default.aspx"") {
  If (Test-Path ""c:\inetpub\wwwroot\iisstart.htm"") {
    Get-ChildItem -Path ""`$installPath\authpage\authpage"" -Recurse | Copy-Item -Destination ""c:\inetpub\wwwroot""
    Remove-Item ""c:\inetpub\wwwroot\iisstart.htm"" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
} Else {
  Write-Output ""Extract of AuthPage failed""
If ((Test-Path ""c:\install\installer.flag"") -eq `$false) {
  Set-WebConfigurationProperty -Filter ""/system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication"" -Name Enabled -Value False -PSPath IIS:\ -location ""Default Web Site""
  Set-WebConfigurationProperty -Filter ""/system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication"" -Name Enabled -Value True -PSPath IIS:\ -location ""Default Web Site""
  & `$ENV:windir\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe set AppPool DefaultAppPool -""processModel.identityType:NetworkService""
  `$Acl = (Get-Item ""c:\inetpub\wwwroot"").GetAccessControl(""Access"")
  `$Ar = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule(""NETWORK SERVICE"", ""ReadAndExecute"", ""ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit"", ""None"", ""Allow"")
  Set-Acl ""c:\inetpub\wwwroot"" `$Acl
  ""Install complete"" | Out-File ""c:\install\installer.flag""
} Else { Write-Output ""Install flag found - skipping setup tasks"" }

az vm run-command invoke --command-id RunPowerShellScript --name $vm3Name -g $rgName --scripts $scriptAAPP01_2

Create VM#4 - App02 - Azure AD Connect

  • VM-A-APP02
  • Unmanaged OS disk
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Static IP address
  • Download Azure AD Connect install
  • 💔 Cannot perform an unattended install of AADC

Re-use NSG

Nothing to do. This VM lives in the same subnet as VM-A-APP01 and the NSG has already been created & configured.

Create VM

$vm4Image = "Win2019Datacenter"
$vm4User = "lcladmin"
$vm4Pass = $vmPass
$vm4Size = "Standard_B2ms"
$vm4DiskGuid = [guid]::NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-","").Substring(0,10)

az vm create -n $vm4Name -g $rgName --image $vm4Image --admin-username $vm4User --admin-password $vm4Pass --computer-name $vm4Name --size $vm4Size --vnet-name $vnetName --subnet $subnet2Name --private-ip-address $vm4IPAddress --storage-account $storageName --use-unmanaged-disk --os-disk-name "$($vm4Name)-OSdisk-$($vm4DiskGuid)" --nsg '""' --public-ip-address '""'

Install Azure AD Connect

  • Set static IP address
  • Join domain 'contoso.internal'
$scriptAAPP02_1 = @"
Set-TimeZone -id 'E. Australia Standard Time'
`$IP = ""$vm4IPAddress""
`$MaskBits = 24
`$Gateway = ""$($vm4IPAddress -split "\d{1,3}$" -join "1")""
`$DNS = ""$vm2IPAddress""
`$IPType = ""IPv4""
`$adapter = Get-NetAdapter | ? {`$_.Status -eq ""up""}
`$interface = `$adapter | Get-NetIPInterface -AddressFamily `$IPType
If (`$interface.Dhcp -eq ""Enabled"") {
  Get-NetAdapterBinding -ComponentID ms_tcpip6 | Disable-NetAdapterBinding
  If ((`$adapter | Get-NetIPConfiguration).IPv4Address.IPAddress) {
    `$adapter | Remove-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily `$IPType -Confirm:`$false
  If ((`$adapter | Get-NetIPConfiguration).Ipv4DefaultGateway) {
    `$adapter | Remove-NetRoute -AddressFamily `$IPType -Confirm:`$false
  `$adapter | New-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily `$IPType -IPAddress `$IP -PrefixLength `$MaskBits -DefaultGateway `$Gateway
  `$adapter | Set-DnsClientServerAddress -ServerAddresses `$DNS
Start-Sleep -Seconds 15 # Wait for DNS changes

Add-Computer -DomainName ""$dcA2Domain"" -Credential (New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential(""$dcA2Domain\$vm4User"",(ConvertTo-SecureString '$vm4Pass' -AsPlainText -Force))) -OUPath ""OU=S_SERVERS,$dcA2DomainDN"" -Restart


az vm run-command invoke --command-id RunPowerShellScript --name $vm4Name -g $rgName --scripts $scriptAAPP02_1
  • Install RSAT
  • Download AAD Connect installer
  • Set permissions for AAD Connect service account
$scriptAAPP02_2 = @"
Install-WindowsFeature rsat-adds -IncludeAllSubFeature
  Import-Module ActiveDirectory -ErrorAction Stop
  throw ""Module ActiveDirectory not installed""
`$installPath = ""c:\install""
If ((Test-Path `$installPath) -eq `$false) {mkdir `$installPath -Force}

If ((Test-Path ""`$installPath\AzureADConnect.msi"") -eq `$false) {
  try {
    `$URi = """"
    `$downloadPage = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri `$URi  -usebasicparsing
    `$fileUri = (`$downloadPage.RawContent.Split('""') -like ""https://*AzureADConnect.msi"")[0]
    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri `$fileUri -OutFile ""`$installPath\AzureADConnect.msi""
    Write-Output (""File {0} size: {1}"" -f (gci ""`$installPath\AzureADConnect.msi"").Name, ((gci ""`$installPath\AzureADConnect.msi"").Length / 1MB).ToString("".""))
  } catch {
    Write-Host `$(`$_.Exception.Message)
    throw 'ERROR: Could not download file'

If ((Test-Path ""`$env:ProgramFiles\Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect\AzureADConnect.exe"") -eq `$false) {
  & ""`$ENV:windir\system32\msiexec.exe"" /i ""`$installPath\AzureADConnect.msi"" /qb-

try {
  `$URi = """"
  Invoke-WebRequest -Uri `$URi  -OutFile ""`$installPath\""
  If ((Test-Path ""`$installPath\AADCP\AADConnectPermissions.ps1"") -eq `$false) { Expand-Archive -Path ""`$installPath\"" -DestinationPath ""`$installPath\AADCP"" }
  & ""`$installPath\AADCP\AADConnectPermissions.ps1"" -User svc-azuresync -PasswordHashSync
  & ""`$installPath\AADCP\AADConnectPermissions.ps1"" -User svc-azuresync -msDsConsistencyGuid -ExchangeHybridWriteBackOUs ""OU=Staff,OU=S_USERS,$dcA2DomainDN""
  & ""`$installPath\AADCP\AADConnectPermissions.ps1"" -User svc-azuresync -PasswordWriteBack -ExchangeHybridWriteBackOUs ""OU=Staff,OU=S_USERS,$dcA2DomainDN""
} catch {
  Write-Host `$(`$_.Exception.Message)
  throw 'ERROR: Could not download file'

az vm run-command invoke --command-id RunPowerShellScript --name $vm4Name -g $rgName --scripts $scriptAAPP02_2
  • AAD Connect needs to be manually installed and configured

Create VM#5 - Windows 10 Client

  • Unmanaged OS disk
  • Windows 10 Enterprise (licensed under a trial M365 environment with E5 licensing)

Create NSG

$nsg4Name = "jr-trustlab-nsg-a-client"

az network nsg create -n $nsg4Name -g $rgName
az network vnet subnet update -g $rgName -n $subnet3Name --vnet-name $vnetName --network-security-group $nsg4Name
az network nsg rule create --nsg-name $nsg4Name -g $rgName -n "Allow_RDP" --priority 100 --access "allow" --source-address-prefixes $subnet99Range --destination-address-prefixes $subnet3Range --destination-port-ranges "3389" --protocol "TCP" --description "Allow RDP from Bastion"
az network nsg rule create --nsg-name $nsg4Name -g $rgName -n "Deny_Inbound" --priority 4000 --access "deny" --source-address-prefixes "*" --destination-address-prefixes $subnet3Range --destination-port-ranges "*" --protocol "*" --description "Deny inbound traffic"

Create VM

$vm5Image = "MicrosoftWindowsDesktop:Windows-10:20h2-ent:19042.867.2103051748"
$vm5User = "lcladmin"
$vm5Pass = $vmPass
$vm5Size = "Standard_B2ms"
$vm5DiskGuid = [guid]::NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-","").Substring(0,10)

az vm create -n $vm5Name -g $rgName --image $vm5Image --admin-username $vm5User --admin-password $vm5Pass --computer-name $vm5Name --size $vm5Size --vnet-name $vnetName --subnet $subnet3Name --private-ip-address $vm5IPAddress --storage-account $storageName --use-unmanaged-disk --os-disk-name "$($vm5Name)-OSdisk-$($vm5DiskGuid)" --nsg '""' --public-ip-address '""'
  • Set static IP and DNS server IP to VM-A-DC02
  • Join domain
  • Add "Grp_AllStaff" AD group to local "Remote Desktop Users" group to allow test user accounts access to RDP
$scriptACLIENT01_1 = @"
Set-TimeZone -id 'E. Australia Standard Time'
`$IP = ""$vm5IPAddress""
`$MaskBits = 24
`$Gateway = ""$($vm5IPAddress -split "\d{1,3}$" -join "1")""
`$DNS = ""$vm2IPAddress""
`$IPType = ""IPv4""
`$adapter = Get-NetAdapter | ? {`$_.Status -eq ""up""}
`$interface = `$adapter | Get-NetIPInterface -AddressFamily `$IPType
If (`$interface.Dhcp -eq ""Enabled"") {
  Get-NetAdapterBinding -ComponentID ms_tcpip6 | Disable-NetAdapterBinding
  If ((`$adapter | Get-NetIPConfiguration).IPv4Address.IPAddress) {
    `$adapter | Remove-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily `$IPType -Confirm:`$false
  If ((`$adapter | Get-NetIPConfiguration).Ipv4DefaultGateway) {
    `$adapter | Remove-NetRoute -AddressFamily `$IPType -Confirm:`$false
  `$adapter | New-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily `$IPType -IPAddress `$IP -PrefixLength `$MaskBits -DefaultGateway `$Gateway
  `$adapter | Set-DnsClientServerAddress -ServerAddresses `$DNS
Start-Sleep -Seconds 15 # Wait for DNS changes

Add-Computer -DomainName ""$dcA2Domain"" -Credential (New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential(""$dcA2Domain\$vm5User"",(ConvertTo-SecureString '$vm5Pass' -AsPlainText -Force))) -OUPath ""OU=S_WORKSTATIONS,$dcA2DomainDN"" -Restart

az vm run-command invoke --command-id RunPowerShellScript --name $vm5Name -g $rgName --scripts $scriptACLIENT01_1
$scriptACLIENT01_2 = @"
Add-LocalGroupMember -Group ""Remote Desktop Users"" -Member ""$dcA2Domain\Grp_AllStaff""

az vm run-command invoke --command-id RunPowerShellScript --name $vm5Name -g $rgName --scripts $scriptACLIENT01_2

Wrap up

Part 1 set the foundations. Part 2 covered the creation of the two application servers and the Win10 client. Part 3 will describe the steps to create resources for Domain B.

Appendix - More about IIS and Windows Authentication

While we're all here - here's a few references for Keberos authentication and IIS.

Title Location
Setting up kerberos authentication for a website in IIS
Windows authentication HTTP request flow in IIS
Kerberos configuration manager for IIS
Explaining integrated windows authentication in SharePoint
ASP.NET authentication test page